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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

shooyong sunrise'

thanks for your reply on the lens I can use for my trout fishing trip.
but what I really like to get is some tips on shooting sunrise photos.
like the best time [I HR BEFORE SUNRISE ETC]

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January 18, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  The best time, on a clear or partly cloudy day, is just before the sun breaks the horizon. You can meter off the sky to render it in its natural colors and illumination. This will cause the surrounding landscape to under-expose to create some contrast, and render the foreground objects or people, as silhouettes.
Once the sun is visible, you should meter off a portion of the sky that is evenly lit, but NOT exposed to the direct glare of the sun. Then, using that setting, you can recompose to include the sun in the photo.

As far as camera settings...You should determine what aperature (f-stop) the scene requires, then use your in-camera meter as described above, to select the appropriate shutter speed.
If you are including foreground objects in the scene,...choose a small aperature (f-16 to f-22), and focus slightly beyond the nearest object. This should render everything in focus from the foreground to infinity. (A tripod is recommended for this.)

If all you want is the distant landscape, you can use a wider aperature (f-4 to f-8), and focus on infinity.

Hope this helps,

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January 18, 2004

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