BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How to Shoot...

I am getting ready for NY state trout fishing season to open in April. This time I am not fishing but taking my camera instead. I am going to Trout Town, USA, Roscoe, NY. Can you help me on some good camera f/stops and aperature settings. and what is a good lens to take along?Thanks again.

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January 17, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  Flyrod and Net w/ Rapids
Flyrod and Net w/ Rapids
Nikkor 35 mm at f-22 ... 1/2 sec.

Bob Cammarata

Andrew, Lens choice will depend upon your camera type,and what you hope to achieve. A moderate wide-angle in the 28-35 mm range will allow you to record one or more anglers with a lot of background, as well as all of your scenics. Use an aperature of f-11 to f-22 to maximize depth of field. A medium telephoto of 105-210 mm with close-focusing capabilities will handle full-frame shots of the anglers with their catches, as well as allowing you to get in close, for tight head shots of the fish.

While I prefer prime lenses, there are zooms available to cover this entire range if you are limited to only one lens. Keep in mind that moving water makes a great background for shots of rods and tackle. If you have a cloudy day and a tripod, you might want to give this a try. You will need a small aperature of f16-f22 and a slow shutter speed to blur the water. Meter off a neutral colored object which receives the same amount of light as the scene you are shooting. (see attached)

You can check out my web site, under "Fishing Around" if you want to get any more ideas.

Good luck!

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January 18, 2004

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