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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Alana H. Shores

Using 160 Speed Film for Portraits

Hi, I would like some advice for using 160 speed film for portraits. I will be taking the portraits indoors with bounce flash against a black or dark brown backdrop. In the past I have used either Fuji NPH 400 or Kokak Supra 400 for these. Will 160 speed films work as well under these conditions? Should I rate them at 160 or a different ISO speed? My thoughts are for trying Portra NC 160, but I would be glad to hear any suggestions.

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January 16, 2004


John Papandreou
  I have been using 160 speed film for a number of years, I tend to use Agfa 160, I like the skin tones. A thing to try is buy a roll from each film company, Kodak, Fuji, Agfa, and Konica. Shoot a roll on the same subject and get them to hold a Macbeth color chart on a shot or two. Get your films proccesed at the same lab ask for no corrections. I always rate my films as the packet states 160 ASA means 160. Have a look at your results and choose the film you like. This is what a pro photograher will do if he/she evaluates a new film. I hope this helps.

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January 16, 2004


Matthew D. Koller
  I have used Kodak Portra 160 and Agfa portra 160 for weddings. Kodak seems to be a standard. Both are excellent for skin tones. I always set my ISO @ 100 for a little extra saturation, the colors stay pretty much the same. I tend to like the Agfa a little more. Not sure how the films compare in latitude, but I know the Agfa is less expensive.

Do not have experience with Fuji's Portrait film.

If you are using a good dedicated flash for a camera with TTL, you shouldn't have any problems. Open your lens aperature all the way for selective focus. You still might want to back light your backdrop, maybe with another flash via slave.

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January 17, 2004


Alana H. Shores
  Thank you both for your advice. Since you both mentioned the Agfa, I think I will give it a try along with the Porta 160NC. By the way, Matt, I looked at your website and you have some very beautiful work. Thanks!

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January 20, 2004

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