BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Judith A. Clark

what is wide angle used for

A new question for Jeff or anyone else who choses to answer. If a wide angle lens distorts the sides what is it used for. I thought wide angle meant to take wide shots. Jeff I noticed in one of your other answers, you use a wide angle for weddings, what type of shots do you use it for?

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November 08, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  I use my wide angle (17-35) a lot during the cake cutting and during the reception when I think the goofy distortion may add to the festive look. I have used it and seen it used for special portraits of individuals. You just have to be careful to keep your subject away from the edges and don't get too close. I also use it for scene setting shots (ie. pics of the inside and outside of the church etc.).

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November 08, 2002

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