BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Gabrielle R

Switching Lenses ...

I am new to the world of photography (film/SLR). Is it safe for me to switch lens while there is film in the camera? Thanks.

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March 06, 2007


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi Gabrielle,
You can safely interchange lenses under any and all conditions. Your camera features a shutter that blocks stray light. That being said, most would agree, you should never ask for trouble. Under bright direct daylight conditions, one might choose to seek shade when interchanging lens or film. If nothing else, turn you back to the sun, and work in the shadow cast by your body.
Alan Marcus

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March 06, 2007


Stephanie M. Stevens
  You also want to be careful about what may be blowing around that could get into your camera with the lens off. Sand in the desert, salt spray at the coast, things like that. In those types of situations, at least turn your back to the wind to shield the camera, and you may not want to change lenses at all.

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March 06, 2007


Gabrielle R
  Thanks for such a quick response. I just purchased a new Zoom/Telephoto and wanted to start using it right away.

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March 06, 2007


rrr S. rrr
  Most SLRs will let you change lenses on the fly but my old Canon AE1 would not. To be on the safe side, be sure to read your manual first.

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March 13, 2007

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