BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Deluxe Web Sites

Photography Question - Robert Hambley

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Questions/ideas about deluxe (&pro) websites


I have a question. Is it possible to send email via betterphoto ? IE. send the email as Should I set outlook to do this for me?

Ideas... On Deluxe and the Pro sites, how about a banner that can go along the top of the webpage? My website could be viewed as an example, but I am unable to put the banner on all of the pages.

Also, in the adminstration side, how about the ability to "select and categorize" (and for edit/update) pictures by the category? or the ability to jump to page 20 of pictures instead of having to go "Next 20" until you get there? This would be awesome, because having to go to the first pictures added can take a while.

All in all, Love the improvements recently implemented and just thought I would toss out a couple of the ideas I had come up with. I have no clue if they are on your radar screen, or if they have already been considered.


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February 28, 2005

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