BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

Stefan Sahlander

Sreet Photography course?

As far as I know there aren't any books or (online) courses on how to get started with street photography.
I have found some websites including some tips, but I would like to see a site or course that offers help to newcomers and gives instructions on how to approach people and deal with shooting them (with a camera, not a gun;-)) on the street.
I signed up for the only course I could find that includes 'How to take photos of strangers' :Creating Memorable Travel Images - by Brenda Tharp
but I wonder if you have any plans for a Street Photography course in the future? I'm sure it would be appreciated by many photographers.

~Stefan Sahlander, Tampere, Finland

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May 14, 2004

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