BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

Ryan Jones

Betterphoto courses

Hi everyone, I'm thinking about signing up for an online course BetterPhoto provides and I know some of you have had experience with them. I just want an opinion on how they are. I have a feeling it will be great but I just want an insider's opinion on them. Thanks!

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September 14, 2005


Irene Troy
  Hi Ryan,

I think I understand some of your hesitation and concerns about online learning in general and BP in particular. I have taken a number of online courses in different areas and have been both pleased and very disappointed. There are, as I am sure you know, many (too many!) online scams that purport to offer you a great deal and that deliver NOTHING! If you are like me, parting with your hard earned dollars is hard when you are not sure of what you will get. So, let me share my experiences with Better Photo classes.

I took my first BP class (Bryan Peterson’s Understanding Exposure) last year. I was a little nervous in the beginning, because I had doubts about what online classes of this type would provide. Almost as soon as the class began my concerns were quickly laid to rest. The class was everything I hoped for and much more. I have now taken a total of 3 BP classes (Kerry Dragger’s Light and Composition and Brenda Tharp’s Creating Visual Impact as well as the class that Bryan taught) and each one has surpassed by expectations. The people here, students and teachers alike, are terrific! The structure of the classes truly encourages you to push your own limits and to build your confidence as well as your skills. All the teachers here are working pros who have years of experience and who seem committed to helping students become better photographers. If you want, why don’t you look at the section where students critique the instructors and read these critiques? They can offer you some insight into what people think about both the instructor and the class. Also, if you have specific questions about a class you can e-mail the instructor with your questions. Just keep in mind that, as I said, they are working pros and sometimes you may have to wait a couple of days for a response. If you want some specific information about any of the classes I have taken feel free to e-mail me. Good luck and hope to see you in one of my classes!


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September 14, 2005

- Bob Cournoyer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob Cournoyer
Bob Cournoyer's Gallery
  I've taken 4 classes here at BP. Silverman's beginning digital, Peterson's see creatively and one from Zuckerman....oops, that's only 3, I took the Silverman's class twice...:-)
The instructors and classmates are all available via email (kind of like this forum, but in your own "classroom" aka Campus Square) where it is just your class involved in the discussions. I've made several friends from the classes that I still keep in touch with via email....which is kinda neat!
Oh yeah, I learned volumes....and the fact that there is a deadline (semi-flexible) for each lesson during the class I was forced to get out and shoot more than I probably would have on my own. Bottom line? ....on a scale of 1 to 5, I'd give the courses here a 6..:-)

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September 14, 2005


Susan Patton
  Hi Ryan,
I can only echo what Bob & Irene have said about Better Photo classes. I have taken 2, one with Brenda Tharpe and a four week short course with Kerry Drager. Both far exceeded my expectations. With Better Photo classes the instructors are always available and the interaction with other students is the icing on the cake. However, like everything else, you get back what you put into it so if you sign up be prepared to participate.

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September 14, 2005


Ryan Jones
  Thanks everyone! I feel much better about it all! Understanding Exposure was just the class I was looking at too...sounds like I'm going to have a lot of fun!

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September 15, 2005

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