BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

Mary L. Lindsay

Critiques of Photos

I am taking the course on photographing children. So far, I have not seen any critiques of what I have submitted. This is very discouraging. What should I do?

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July 23, 2005


Irene Troy
  Hi Mary -

I am in the midst of my 3rd BP class and have, thus far, been very impressed by the people here. I am not sure what you are referring to; is it that the instructor has not finished critiques of your first assignment? (I assume that all classes just started on July 6th and that you are now on the week 3 assignments)In my experience every instructor seems to have a different method and time table for posting these critiques. Have you tried contacting the instructor either via the Q&A area for the class or by private e-mail? There should be info on how to do this on your class site. Has other work by students been critiqued? If there seems to be an unreasonably long delay in receiving feedback and no images have been critiqued I think that I would contact Heather and ask her what is going on. Most instructors are working pros who sometimes travel and this can delay their getting back to you; however, at least in my limited experience, they notify students if there is going to be a delay. BTW: Make sure that your e-mail program is not accidently deleting communications from the instructor - . this can happen. If you don't know how to check this, let me know and I can try to walk you through. Good luck!

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July 23, 2005


Kerry Drager
  Hi Irene,
Nice hearing from you, and thanks for sharing the nice thoughts ... much appreciated!!

Hi Mary,
Thanks for the message, and sorry for the problems you've encountered. But it seems that you uploaded your assignment photos in the wrong place. Remember, all class activity - i.e., uploading of photos, questions, etc. - takes place right in your class.

You can access your class via your Member Center. Just click on the sign-in button in the filmstrip at the left of any BP page. After signing in with your email/password, you will be in your Member Center. Then look for the link to your class ... that will put you in your Campus Square.

Mary, I will email you ASAP, just to make sure things are going well. Classes are really just getting started, so you'll get caught up in no time!

Again, Mary, sorry about the misunderstanding, but we'll get you back on track in no time :-)

Best regards,
Kerry Drager

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July 24, 2005

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