BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

Manley S. Minsker

Where to buy Photoshop CS

Do you offer Photoshop 7 CS at a discount if I were to take any of the courses offered on the subject? Or can you recommend an online retailer that sell it at a discount?

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March 17, 2005


Jeannie Beebe
  I know students (college level) usually can purchase Photoshop at their school software store. It is usually a tremendous savings. Perhaps you have a student in your family or know of one.

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April 01, 2005


Peter K. Burian
  Manley: You may find offers on the Web for Photoshop CS at ridiculously low prices.

Buyer Beware!

Why do you need CS? Perhaps Elements 3.0 would meet your needs and it's much less expensive. Available for Mac or Windows.

See the review at

Cheers! Peter Burian

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April 03, 2005

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