BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

Ganesh G

Are there any FREE courses?


I have been on this site for a few weeks now. I've come to learn a lot through the various Q&A threads here.

I would also like to ask whether all of the courses offered are free and whether all of these courses are conducted in person. Online courses would be more convenient than real-life in-person courses. Also, it would be great if some of the basic courses like introductions to various camera controls, simple operations and other tricks on autofocus handheld cameras etc. could be provided for free.

Hope theres someone who isnt all capitalist here.


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March 15, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  That's a major stretch to think not having free stuff is too captialistic.
Basic camera controls are in the manual that came with the camera.
Plenty of books on basics for around $20 or less out there.
Or stick with the Q&A, the google ads are harmless.

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March 16, 2005


Ganesh G
  Hey Gregory,

I understand what you mean. It was meant to be a remark, not a serious statment.

I am still looking for something online where I can find good tips. There are tons of sites/groups out there I know, but I just have to find the right one with more relevant info and less crap !

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March 16, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  Greg can help you on that one

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March 16, 2005


Kerry Drager
  Hi Ganesh,
Excellent advice on books and the Q&A! Besides the Q&A, there are many other free resources here at BetterPhoto:

- Check out our Photography FAQ, with descriptions and tips for using various camera controls:

- Also, our Articles page covers all sorts of subjects. Spend some time exploring this page ... in fact, the sections at the bottom of the page includes lots of links that "link" you to even further information!"

Ganesh, have fun in your photographic discoveries!!

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March 16, 2005


Kerry Drager
  P.S. Ganesh, have you signed up yet for BetterPhoto's newsletters? They are more great sources for information, and they're free. Subscription page:

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March 16, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Just remember, the profit they make off the courses is what allows them to provide the Q&A free of charge. Being a capitalist doesn't mean being greedy. In fact, capitalists are probably the most generous people in the world! Feel free to take advantage of the Q&A. We may not be as good as the folks who teach the courses but we offer free advice.

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March 16, 2005


Jessica Evers
  I was wondering the same thing and looking for good classes that weren't priced so high because i'm on a budget my self a friend in a photography chat told me to look up free photography courses online and you'd be suprised how many courses come up and good tips

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March 16, 2005


Sharon Day
  The Q&A is a wonderful resource! Library books provide a world of information as well. Unless you forget to take them back they are free :D.

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March 16, 2005


Ganesh G

It was great t read opinions from all of you. I must, though point out once again that my comment about being capitalist was not meant to be a sarcastic dig at someone here. It was just an expression that I use offhand to describe stuff that is overpriced. No harm meant to anyone !

I do definitely check the Q&A. Kerry, the FAQ is also something that I have gone through religiously ! And thats the place where I did get to know a lot.

I am grateful to everyone on this site for sharing their ideas and I look forward to the day when I would myself be able to give advice to other youngsters !


P.S.: Gregory, LOL, you a clone of Jim Miotke or something?

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March 16, 2005

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