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Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Scanning images for instructor review

so if I would like to take one of your courses then I would need a scanner and the knowledge on how to do this so that I can send images to instructor? I don't have a clue on how to do this. Help

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March 13, 2005


Kerry Drager
  Hi Anny,
Thanks for your interest in BetterPhoto courses! Although film shooters must have their images scanned - for uploading into class (or anywhere else on the Web) - you don't have to have a scanner.

Most photo labs can also take care of your scanning needs, as can many photocopying shops. In fact, I shoot film ... the same photo lab (actually, a custom "professional" lab) handles everything for me: developing (of negative or slide film), printing, scanning, etc.

Most film/developing counters at supermarkets or drug stores have this option: Turn in your undeveloped film, and, as usual, get prints and negatives back, but ALSO a CD of your scanned images.

Hope this helps, Anny! If you have any further questions, just ask!

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March 13, 2005

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