BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

Kathryn L. Peters

enrolling NOW for a photo course

I just got on your website. Am I too late to enroll NOW for a photo course? I have owned an SLR for years (although not really used it to it's potential), and recently a digital camera (advanced but not pro - Canon A-95). Chasing a 6 yr. old and luggin around a large SLR is not fun when you're riding a bike, skiing, and "catching a wave". I especially need help with lighting (sunsets and people, inside low light and people, etc.) Am I too late to enroll? April is REALLY a bad time for me, and NOW is the best time for a course. HELP!!

Regards, Kathryn Peters

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February 03, 2005


Kerry Drager
  Hi Kathryn,
Thanks for your interest in BetterPhoto courses! Most of our courses run 8 weeks, and the next session does begin in April. HOWEVER, our Winter 4-week classes just started, with the first lesson sent out yesterday (February 2nd). Although just the Spring courses are listed, here's how you would go about signing up:
  • Check out the Short Course -Early Start courses at:

  • If you decide you would like to sign up for one of these courses, go ahead and sign up for the 1st session of the spring enrollment and you will be moved over to the session that began Feb. 2nd. Be sure to note "Feb 2nd start date" in the additional comments field of the orders page.

    Kathryn, thanks again, and let me know if you have any questions!

    Best regards,
    Kerry Drager

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    February 03, 2005

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