BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

Lori L. Heustess

Removing uploaded shot from course assignment?

Hi - I jumped the gun and uploaded a photo for one of the courses online that I would like to replace with another photo. We are still a week away from the due date so I thought this would be ok but I do not see anyway to do this.

Is it possible or am I stuck with my original upload?

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October 10, 2004


Kerry Drager
  Hi Lori: Good question! No, you aren't stuck ... but I'd be happy to remove the photo for you. Just email me the photo ID number (that would be the 6-digit number in the URL after you enlarge the photo) and/or the title of the image, and I'll delete it. Then, if you haven't already, you can replace it with another. Hope you are enjoying class!
Kerry Drager

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October 10, 2004

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