BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

Janis Volpe

Uploading to the Vault

In my first lesson, it says that I should have received an email on how to upload to the Vault. I did not recieve that email. Can you please send it again, thanks.

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October 06, 2004


Kerry Drager
  Hi Janis: Thanks for your message, and I'm sorry you didn't receive the instructions for your course. I just sent them to you. Included are instructions on how to size and upload photos into your Campus Square, plus details on the Vault.

Once you get into Campus Square, go to the Upload Photos link and click it: That will put you on the first upload page ... which includes a Select button (where you can note whether the image is for an assignment or for the Vault).

Hope this helps, Janis ... but if you have any further questions, just ask!

Kerry Drager

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October 06, 2004

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