BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

Debra M. Watkins

Which course should I take?

Hi everyone. I'm down to the last minute on choosing an on-line course to take and don't want to miss out on the upcoming sessions. I think I have narrowed it to two possibilities, Beginning Photography and An Introduction to Digital Photography. I am a total beginner with an SLR digital camera. I still need to learn all of aspects of photography, including focus, ISO, flash, zoom, etc., but since I have the digital camera I am a little puzzled over which course would be the best for me to start with. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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October 04, 2004


Kerry Drager
  Hi Debbie: Thanks for your interest in our online courses! Also, a good question ... although with what you say, you probably can't really go wrong with either course. What can be helpful in the final decision, however, is not only the course description, but also the Course Outline. So if you haven't checked them out already, here are the outline links:

Beginning Photography:

An Introduction to Digital Photography:

I hope this helps, Debbie ... if not, feel free to follow-up!

Kerry Drager

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October 04, 2004

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