BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

On-line course timing

How do these courses work? Is there a specific time? Is it self-study and new materials out each week? Do we personally interact with the instructor?

I can't seem to find the detail on this site anywhere and any help is welcome.

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September 27, 2004


Kerry Drager
  Hi Nancy: Thanks so much for your interest in BetterPhoto's online courses! In short, a lesson (which includes an assignment) is sent out each week, and there's a due date for the assignment submission. Yes, there is definitely interaction with the instructor - in a "classroom" setting within the course's special web site (you'll get a password for entry). Also, you'll have the instructor email address.

Some excellent information is available at the following link:

I hope this helps, Nancy! If not, please followup ... in any case, thanks again for your interest!

Kerry Drager

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October 04, 2004

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