BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

Lynnette Cohen

course suggestion

I am interested in focusing on Nature photography. I've already taken the beginner's digital photography course to get started, but now I need to know what line of courses are suggested for me to take that focuses on this kind of photography? I am not sure of what direction to go to from here, and since the courses are costly, I want to take the necessary ones that will focus on what I need to learn to master Nature photography.

thanks in advance!

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September 22, 2004


Kerry Drager
  Hi Lynnette: An excellent question, and since you've already completed the beginning Digital Photography course, there are a lot of options open to you! Although there is not a course titled "Nature Photography," there are several possibilities - shown below. At first glance, some of the following may not all seem like "nature" photo courses, but they are taught by top-flight nature shooters (Tony Sweet and Brenda Tharp)!

Hope this helps, Lynnette, and if you have any further questions, just ask!
Kerry Drager

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September 22, 2004

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