BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 

David L. Godwin

Communication from BetterPhoto

Today I am so very sad about the state of terrible communication by BetterPhoto. Up to now I have been a long term member and participant of But that is going to end tomorrow when my website expires, The story behind this is sad. Last fall in September I won the grand prize for the month in the photo competition and I was so very proud of that accomplishment. The prize I was awarded was a one year free Deluxe website. I planned to use that prize to extend my subscription this year when it expired in September. I have been trying to contact BP for almost 2 months now trying to figure out how to use the free one extension I won. I have sent no less than 6 emails including responding to the mail notices I get from them that my website is about to expire. I have also tried contacting them through direct emails to the BetterPhoto support staff. So here I sit a grand prize winner and no one from BP is responding to my inquiries about how to use my award. This is simply no one watching the storefront for Better Photo. So my membership will expire tomorrow, but at the level of service we have been given lately it's not worth the headache if they won't even honor their commitment to the prizes they award. Best I can say is good bye and good luck to the rest of you, I will miss seeing your great images and sharing with you our joy when we won the various awards !

David L. Godwin

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September 22, 2017


John Koepfer @PresentPleasures

I have also sent BP emails about how to redeem prizes and have had no one respond, just the generic computer generated thanks for your email we will look into your request and get back to you. It has been 3 weeks and I have heard nothing, it is very obvious why membership keeps going down instead of increasing in numbers. I have sent a total of 4 emails. I also know there where other members having trouble renewing, I do not know how they resolved there issues but I do know it took longer than it should have. This is my favorite site, I enjoy the friends I have made, but BP management soon better start communicating better with its members or there will be no one left here.

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September 22, 2017


David L. Godwin
  Today my better photo web site is no longer available despite my best efforts to contact and communicate with BetterPhoto. I have been trying for 2 months now to apply the prize I won last fall which was a free Deluxe website for one year. I have sent no less than 6 emails through various ways to contact the support staff and it has been silent with no reply from BetterPhoto. This sucks !

Good bye and bets of luck to my friends here I will miss participating with and being inspired with each of you.

You can find me at my new website

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September 28, 2017

- Lindley Johnson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Lindley Johnson
Lindley Johnson's Gallery
  Good luck with your new website, David! I agree, the lack of communication from BP has been very frustrating.

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September 28, 2017


John Koepfer @PresentPleasures
  Sorry to see you go David, but it is understandable considering that you have had no response from BP. I will definitely be looking at your new site. (Good luck with it)

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September 28, 2017 - Terry Cervi

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Terry Cervi
Terry Cervi's Gallery
  So sorry about your problems with BP and trying to redeem your Grand Prize. That was a wonderful accomplishment and you deserve to take advantage of your prize. Maybe we'd all understand better if we were just given an explanation as to what is going on as there definitely is a problem here. The slowness of the website and the lack of communication is very, very frustrating.

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September 28, 2017

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