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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

being a photographer

i think I want to be a photographer but im not sure and I dont want to waste my time if it isnt something I really want to do or that im good at I love to take pictures of anything and everything around me I love to capture tha mopment with a picture but how do I tell if im good at it or if I really want to do this as a career please help me and thank you for your time kristina

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February 07, 2004


John Papandreou
  This is a hard one, if you have high marks in Art, Science and maths, and
are able to get into the right Course.
That would be a good Start. You need to look into what Jobs are Avaliable in the area that you live. Does the Govenment employ Photographers or do they just outsource everything, does the Police force have a Photographic dept and take on graduates each year. There is no Point going to School for 2-4 years to find that you will not have a job that give you the real world training after. Are you a member of the local Photo Club, that would also be a good start. Is there a Wedding photographer you could get weekend work as his/her assistaint (It would be good experince even if you were not paid till you had proven yourself) Local newspapers sometimes have weekend work for sporting events ect.

I hope this Helps abit.

John Papandreou
Studio 23

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February 07, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Sounds like you only want to do it if it's going to be easy. If it's something you don't want to do, you'll find out quickly.

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February 08, 2004


Damian P. Gadal
  If you are able to do what you love to do, you will truly be blessed, and your career won't be just be a job.

This doesn't mean it won't be work!

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February 15, 2004


  Not sure of your age, but this is the type of question that no one can answer for you.

If you don't have the fire in your belly to be a photographer, forget it. It's a tough business.

But, I say the same thing about anything. There is nothing in life that will come easy if you want to be great at it. Now matter what you do. The hardest thing is to let your job pick you, which is what most people do because it seems easier at the time.

Having the desire is more important than being good at something. If you have the desire, you will figure out the rest. Of course, to be really great, you have to have a certain innate talent. But, you can't be worried about that. How many photographers are there in the world, and of those how many are truly great? There is something to just being good and happy.

Just follow your heart and be true to yourself. If you are successful at that, you will find success in life.


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February 17, 2004

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