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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 


wedding pre thru post

To all wedding photographers, I have an idea, total finacing available, will never ask a dime of you, only information from experiance, send me an email. please.

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April 27, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  0 dollars down, 0 dollars per month.

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April 27, 2008


BetterPhoto Member
  What's the catch?

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April 27, 2008


Christopher A. Walrath
  There's a reason why they call this a 'forum' and why you can actually type in a question-type sentence here instead of hiding behind an e-mail address so people cannot know what it actually is you're up to Makes us kinda suspicious and stuff.

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April 27, 2008


BetterPhoto Member
  Does this have anything to do with Endless Journey's?

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April 27, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  What's "finacing"? Is it like "fising"? I don' get it. Kinda like "experiance". Used in a sentence, I used to got experience but gave it up to go fising for finacing with Monty Hall."

WAIT !!! Maybe it's something like 100% down. No easy payments?

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April 27, 2008


Pete H
  ....but wait!..There's more!

You get the entire wedding package, and if you order in the next 30 mins, we'll send you at no extra charge this 100 pc set of Ginsu steak knives.

WAIT!..Put away that check book!

Still not satisfied?..Just to show you we mean business, for a limited time you'll get the steak knives AND this beautiful 1987 Aries K Car!

Operators are standing......BYE!


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April 27, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  ROFLMAO !!!!

And...if you act NOW we'll throw in absolutely free, without any additional charge whatsoever, a free crate of Peter Piper Packed Pickled Pocket Pepperoni Pizza Pixels. Here at Mad Man Mark's we've gone CRAZY CRAZY and lost our minds . Come down and take advantage of me...To get our free brochure just chop off the top of your neighborhood wedding photographer and send it along with 18 pixelated box tops to:
Post office box 1
Grand Central Station
New York, New York (a wonderful town)
Somebody HELP me !!!

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April 27, 2008


  O.K Guys
you got me on that one, LOL, Heres the
basic Idea! a 20 page 'informational electronic document'(wedding) to sell online to all of America and the world.
1. The Pre: Getting your name out, initial customer contact, sales ect... presntation, closing the deal
2. The thru: meet and greet, attitude, preparation for the shoot, set up, ect..
but no photo instruction.
3. The post: responsibilities afer the shoot, but no photo edit instuctions.
Ive seen complete books on the suject that sell for around $20.00,but never a quick pamplet $5.00
Good idea or bad idea?

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April 28, 2008


Pete H

The tongue in cheek responses you are getting is because your post is better served in a business forum, not a phototography forum.

Good ideas abound everywhere Bernard; good business plans do not.


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April 28, 2008


Debby A. Tabb
  Bernard try ebay.

Boys, You had me crying! !
thanks for the laugh, what a great way to start the day!

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April 28, 2008


Pete H
  No prob Deb,

Mark & I will be appearing at the Sands the 5th-8th; then off to the Catskills with a Sammy davis look-a-like the 13th-15th.

Mark; I can't make the Hamptons this year..sorry. Heh-heh


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April 28, 2008


Debby A. Tabb

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April 28, 2008


BetterPhoto Member
  Geez Pete, You and Mark get the Sands, and all I got was the Comedy Club in Springfield, MO on the seventh. I'd like to know what your pay is, cuz I'm just getting tips.

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April 29, 2008

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