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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How much for 2nd shooter for T&I soccer photos

A friend asked me to be a 2nd shooter for a job she got shooting team and individual photos for a kids soccer league. I will be using my own equipment. Neither of us are pros. What should I expect to get paid for something like this? There are 700 kids in the league, orders will be prepaid packages.

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March 09, 2008


Brenda D.
  Kathy, since you will be working as hard as your friend you should get half but since she got the job for you make sure you get at least 25% of the profits and YOUR name on your photos

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March 11, 2008


Christopher A. Walrath
  Hi, Kathy. You definitely want to make sure you get your fair share. But a demand without some research and cooperation could lead to undue stress. I would sit down with your friend with a lot of blank pieces of paper, a calculator and a couple of hours. Go through, estimate how many packages might be prdered, and estimate on the low side. Get your total income from the league. Then have your friend take out the overhead, all the way down to the batteries and the gas. Make sure she has enough to cover her expenses. Also have her figure the time that she will be involved in submiting files/negatives to have prints made. The figure out how much time you will be involved and any other responsibilities you might have. Now, since she's bringing you on board it is only fair that she might make a little more as it is her job. But I might think that the profits might be split roughly into thirds if she has an actual business. One third for her business, one third for her salary and one third for yours. If she is just doing this on the fly then maybe something along the lines of 60/40.

Whatever you guys decide, make sure you both decide it together and up front. And make sure you are both happy about the decision. And provide for divvying up any overages ablve that which you figure on. Hope this helps.


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March 14, 2008

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