BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Ron Ross

Personalized mattboard

I have seen some attractive framed prints where the matt has a design on it and sometimes text. The text ranges from poems, simple words and sometimes personalized with information like wedding dates, birth dates, names etc...

Seems like the designs and text could be designed on Photoshop, but I am not sure how to print on a mattboard. Does anyone know how to create matts like this? Is so what kind of printer do you use?

Thanks for your time and help,


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March 06, 2008


Debby A. Tabb
Liza Franco, gives instuction on this in the "Studio Photography Threads"
There are 23 parts to them.
I know there are instuction through out the threads, I found some on #4:

and then alot on thread #10

take a look, there are links for all on each thread.
I hopethis helps,

PS you can also go to

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March 06, 2008


Ron Ross
  Thanks for the fast response. I did not search that section. I'll check it out.

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March 06, 2008

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