BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Janelle Clayton

What to Charge

Hello BetterPhoto people! I was recently asked by a friend of mine to copy, restore, and make prints of some of her older photos. They are mostly from the 1950's era. Some of them are torn, faded, and cracked and she would like me to repair them and then make prints for her. There is between 50 and 75 of them.

My problem is that she asked me how much it would cost. I really don't know how much to charge her, I don‘t have a photo business or anything. I enjoy doing it, so I really don't see as though I need to charge her, but she insists. Any advice on how much to charge would really be appreciated. Thanks so much!

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February 08, 2008


Samuel Smith
  she 6 to 10,and since you don't want to charge her set 5 bucks an hour.if you write down your time and submit a billing statement she will be's either that or you do it for free and not ask this question again?
actually I can't believe what's her face didn't answer this question and save me some time as to jumping on every thread.
what was your name and why haven't you fixed this?
to satarise.sp.your knowledge exceeds mine?great.don't want it to look like i'm wrong?fine.
that your canines would ever leave an imprint on my cheeks,every thread and abusive,tell your story.

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February 08, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  I agree that you should do a few and see what is costing you in time & expenses (for printing) and see what it comes out to.
I make personalized laminates (each individuals photo & name) for a large group of friends each year and the 1st year (2001) we only had about 60 people in our group and I spent my own time & $$ and gave them out as gifts. This group has now grown to over 300 people and I just cant spend that much time & $$ for paper, ink and laminate pouches to do these for free anymore, so reluctantly - I started asking $5 per laminate to cover my costs & labor time 3 years ago and everyone happily pays.
Do the sample for your friend and let her know what it is costing (your labor time + printing) and let her make her decision.

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February 09, 2008


Samuel Smith
  where are you at sweetheart?i agree at times my ignorance has shown help is a safe haven.i only want to pick on someone one out of line?
you said I didn't like bp.not what I said.
please don't associate me with your group,but please post your name and the accusation again.
geez,i have made another mistake by even posting this.or not.

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February 09, 2008


Luca Diana
not sure what you're trying to accomplish but 2 things strike me right away:
1) You're drunk
2) Your grammar is impossible to follow.


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February 12, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  "I'm not as thunk as drinkle peep I am"

Take it easy, I'm taking it cheesy...

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February 12, 2008


Samuel Smith
  i post on every's just a search.
look luca,someone else posted your bio,what is that about.
and in my thinking the first thing that should have struck you was lightening?
what was I looking for/asking for?
you couldn't put a puzzle together with 2 pieces.
ok,don't pay attention,fine.i sign my rsponses sam.
I thought it was i'm not as think as you drunk?hmmm.
give your time as you see fit janelle,luca ain't no help,it seems to think I am drunk and because of my grammer you won't understand?
geez I forgot what your point was luca.

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February 13, 2008


Pete H


I suppose if you enjoy doing it and since this is a friend; do it for free..of course this would depend on how (good) a friend this is. Charge only for material cost.

...or; whatever you earn in your day to day job, double that per hour rate. Afterall, you are doing this with YOUR free time; right? I can't speak for anyone else, but my free time is valueable to me.

all the best,


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February 14, 2008


Janelle Clayton
  Thanks for the response everybody, especially Pete and also Carlton, I'd have to say you two were the most helpful. Thanks again!

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February 14, 2008

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