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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question - Sibylle Basel

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Sibylle Basel
Sibylle Basel's Gallery

working for a greeting card company

I have my website through, and I have a question. I was contacted by a person named Amy Reinhart from about this company buying some of my photos. Since they contacted me, I checked the company out on line. However, I was wondering if Betterphoto has ever had any dealings with this company before. I just don't want it to be a scam. If I could sell some of my photos to a card company that would be great, but I'm a bit skeptical.
Any advice?
Thank you,
Sibylle Basel

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February 03, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Sounds like not a scam but a gross under paying of usage.
Betterphoto would contact you as Betterphoto for anything they're involved in.
If a person wants to buy a photo, you get a print made and sell it to them.
A greeting card is using a photo. It's always yours(unless you say otherwise) and they just use it.
The more they use it, they more they pay. That's how you should look at it.

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February 03, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Sibylle, Looking at website, it looks to me that this is a new company and may be trying to build their inventory. I would e-mail Amy and ask her some questions about the company and what price they are willing to pay. Do they want exclusive rights & high resolution images? It could also be beneficial for you if your photo credit or website is printed on the back of the card.
You have a very good body of work and I can see why a card company would be interested in your images. Many of them would make wonderful cards.
I am still trying to capture one specific image on a body of water with a mountain reflection at sunset at a particular place. This other photographer has the same image I am trying to capture and made his own cards. The town's gift shops sold these so fast, they had trouble keeping them in stock & local realtors would buy them by the case and give them to potential buyers as a "See what a view you will have if you buy this house" sales tactic. The photographer has moved on to other things and is no longer making them and I am just hoping I can capture this image and fill that void myself before someone else does. There are only a few of these perfect captures per year since most days you cant see the mountain, so timing & patience is required.
This may be a great opportunity for you. Let us know what develops.

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February 03, 2008 - Sibylle Basel

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Sibylle Basel
Sibylle Basel's Gallery
  Hi Carlton and Gregory!

Thank you for your thoughts about this card company. I always wanted to have my photos on greeting cards, manybe this would be a place to start.

I'll let you know what develops.

Sibylle :0)

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February 03, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  AAAAh Sibylle, beware the sweet siren song of publication lest you find it has a discordant and bitter undertone.

This is one of those instances of "seller beware". Doing business electronically may be somewhat efficient these days but IMHO it's absolutely no substitute for what we used to call 1:1 communication. Get this persons phone number, call her and in your conversation get a feel for who they are (including the principles and how long they've been in business and a Dun and Bradstreet ref) what they're doing, how professional they seem to be, etc. etc.

Before you do that, make sure your images are at least in the copyright registration process and that you've got a handle on your own usage rights, your proposed fees, any royalty agreement, and where you want your photo credit to go on the cards. You can also check them out with a number of industry publications and see if they're listed in Photographers Market by Writers Digest Press.
Take it light.

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February 03, 2008 - Sibylle Basel

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Sibylle Basel
Sibylle Basel's Gallery
  Hi Mark!

Thank you for your thoughts and suggestions. I will take your advice and do some checking before I get back to this company.
Thanks so much!

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February 03, 2008

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