BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Danette Volkmer

Website photography assignment

I have been asked to provide a bid for taking product photos (pearl jewelry)to appear on a potential client's new website. This will be my first real commercial job and first time to photograph this type of product. Anyone have suggestions on pricing and what factors need to be taken into consideration?

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February 01, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  I'd start with charging $2,500 per 8 hour day plus all expenses including travel, meals, assistant fees, stylist fees, hotels, etc. Then add usage fees, 1st North American publication rights and secondary usage rights for magazine insertion followed by a percentage of the press run.

Of course, this assumes you know what you're doing including know how to light and shoot this particularly difficult and tricky subject and have done it so many times in the past that you have not only the expertise to do it quickly, accurately and efficiently, but the right equipment to do it. But then again, what do I know.
Take it light ;>)

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February 01, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Whoops ! Two things I failed to mention. Web publication is nonetheless publication. I've always charged for co-extensive usage and added the web as an equal value to actual print publishing for advertising.

The second thing I forgot is to add the cost of an insurance bond. When you shoot jewelery, your standard business insurance may not cover you for damage, loss or theft because of the inherent value of the products. Check with your business insurance agent on that one. Mine lets me buy an insurance bond, payable to the client if something goes awry.
Good luck

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February 02, 2008

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