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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

property release form

i took a night time picure of seattle, and the space needle is in the center of picture. my question is do I need a property release form from mayor of seattle or just the owner of the spaceneedle because its a landmark.

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December 01, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Hi Jeff. Nice shot ! As I recall the needle sits in the middle of a public park although I can't remember whether the City of Seattle owns and maintains it although it is indeed a landmark. And publically owned landmarks, just like public parks, are fair game for photographers without releases.

Just to be on the safe side, assuming you want to use this image for sale or non-editorial publication, check with the Seattle Film Commission Office. Sorry but I don't have their phone number in front of me. 206 Area Code though. If you call them, just get the name of the person you talk to and ask them who owns it and how to contact them if it's not the city. Or just write them a letter and get a written response.
My "guess" is that it's fine as long as you don't modify it to look like something recognizable but horrible or defamatory.
Take it light. ;>)

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December 02, 2008


John G. Clifford Jr
  Mark, here's an interesting question: what about all of the other buildings in the photo? They aren't publicly owned, nor are they on public property.

Just askin'...

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December 02, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Altered or unaltered, editorial use or commercially, collateral or central in the scene? I think one of them on the left is a Federal agency building on First Avenue so you can exclude that one. Is this a trick question? Multiple choice or fill-in the blank?

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December 02, 2008


John G. Clifford Jr
  Not a trick question... a curious question.

Assuming I was the photographer, could I use the image editorially (I think so). How about commercially?

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December 02, 2008

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