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Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 

Beth Howe

Model Release Forms/Further Question

Hi Everyone:
I've searched the BP Archives and this particular question on model release forms hasn't come up. I'm new at the business angle of photography so I'm not sure when's the best time to get the subject to sign the actual release form.
I'm finding, however, that my present method of giving them a self-addressed-stamped envelope to mail the signed form back to me at their convenience isn't working very well.
They either forget, take months to send it back to me, or I never hear from them again and my countless phone calls to please send back the signed form are ignored.
Should I have them sign the form as I'm handing them the prints, before they've even seen the images?
I'm beginning to think that this might be the best way. Would it seem pushy to do it this way?
Many thanks.
Beth Howe

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September 08, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  I usually hand them a clip board with a release on it to sign as I take a few meter readings BEFORE I even put a film magazine on the camera. If they have questions about it, I answer those before I start shooting. It's not pushy, it's a necessary part of doing business.

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September 08, 2008


Beth Howe
  Dear Mark:
Your advice is immensely helpful. Thanks. That is definitely the way I'll do it in future.
Best wishes,
Beth Howe

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September 09, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Thanks Beth. Any time ! ;>) I should add that I'm usually pretty nonchalant about the whole thing, just handing them a release while I busy myself with other stuff like the meter or adjusting a light or something. I never have any problems with it. And if they question it, I just tell them it's so I can hang their mug in my gallery online or in the "WANTED POSTER" section at the local post office. :>))

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September 09, 2008

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