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Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 

Karen l. Monte


My question is this. I want to show my work in a portfolio and not sure what to buy. I need some kind of nice album, showcase system to be able to show the work that I have done to clients who would like to see it. What is the best way to do this traveling showcase?

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September 02, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  First, Karen, you have to figure out initially and later as time goes by, what's the most effective presentation for you. Does the work have to sell itself in a portfolio form, a cd presentation, or are you going along with it to make the presentation of the work in either one?

IMO, portfolios or "books" need to be tailored specifically to the type of assignment you're seeking to obtain. To that end, I have about six traveling portfolios with both prints, CDs, resumes, promo cards, and work specific to the agencies I either deal with or have on my prospect list. Once the agency sees a general view of my work on my website, the art director, illustrator, account exec, whoever, asks to see specific work. I send them a porfolio by Fedex. The one I use is a small Lightware version that fits neatly in a Fedex box. It holds prints up to 8 1/2 by 11, and I includes a return airbill for second day air for it to be sent home. I usually send a stack of mounted 5x7 prints on 8x10 boards, a bunch of images on CD more customized to the gig, and promo materials like cards, brochures, biz cards, resume, bio sketch, copies of recent assignments if they're appropriate to the prospective client.

When they're done reviewing it, they slip it back in the box, put my airbill into the pouch and drop it in the nearest fedex pick-up box which is usually in their lobby. I get it back, clean the food stains off the cover, restock it in the brochures, resume, business cards, etc., and send it out the next day to another presentation. Since I know how it's organized, I can even do a portfolio review with the reps on the phone while they have the work in front of them and talk about specifics of each assignment.

Otherwise, when I travel to do a presentation I fill it with bricks and prints and use the portfolio to beat the art-director over the head into submission and retaining me to shoot the gig. :>) Like I said, whatever works, ya know?

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September 02, 2008

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