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Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 

Danea Burleson

Pro Lab Recomendations?

Not sure what category to place this?

Anyway, I am looking for recommendations for professional labs. I eventually want a developer that does more than just the average prints, and can also do, storyboards, cards, canvas etc...

I found a site called White House. Is this the only one? Has anyone ever used them? They seem pretty good but I haven't tried them yet. They recommend a monitor calibrator and I don't have the cash yet. They develop as is so you need to be sure your colors are correct.

Any advice, recommendations welcome! Thanks.

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August 10, 2008


Sarah G

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August 10, 2008


Mark Feldstein

There's also Newlab in San Francisco, A&I in Los Angeles (owned by Isgo).
These are professional grade, highest quality-type of labs. You get what you pay for, right?

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August 11, 2008

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