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Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Photo Books

I shot a wedding for a friend. I am not a wedding person - but as her 'gift' and get her to stop insisting I do it - I did. (I was smart enough to go through the entire process before hand, explained to everyone in the immediate wedding party - that I don't do weddings and this is a favor to my friend. I even had them sign off on that statement - just in case something went wrong!)
The pictures turned out great - they all love them. Because she was my 'friend' and I wasn't doing this to make money - I put her pictures on some disk and said her you go.

I told her to do what she wanted with them. Well - she is wanting to do a photobook. Because she didn't pay me and this was a 'gift' when I agreed to do this - she (et all) understood I would not do any major editing, would not order her prints etc.

I told her of few online places that do photobooks (shutterfly and kodak). She is currently working on a book for mothersday and she called because a friend of hers used shutterfly ones they did not accept some of her own images because they looked too professional.

Has anyone else experienced this with Shutterfly? If so.. what did you do? I use Asukabooks and and that is going to be out of her price range for what she wants.

Any help you can give me would be great!


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April 30, 2008


Todd Bennett

Tell her to take a look at They do some hardcover books. 50.00 for 20 pages and .50 per additional page. It may not be what she is looking for; but, it is a fairly inexpensive option for her.

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May 01, 2008


Todd Bennett
  P.S. Here's a link to their photo books page.

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May 01, 2008

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