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Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 

Kyla M. Russell

This is more about your oppinions on the subject.

Okay, so you know that National Geographic magazine? Well I stumbled across a trip that I could take, a photography trip!!
I would go out of the country next summer, I get to choose from places like China, India, and others!
It would be completely about photography and putting a project together the whole time Im there!
It would be a wonderful opportunity... its for highschool students, so there would be others with the same things on there mind!
Well just give me your oppinions?

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March 24, 2008


Todd Bennett
  Opinions about what Kyla?

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March 24, 2008


Samuel Smith
  could we possibly have a camera?a background?no bio no photos and that national geographic.
there mind.their mind slick.
national geographic wants you to go out of country?the audacity.
a project.without knowing journalism.and your invited?im there and not i'm there?

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March 24, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Hey Kyla ! Post any links you have at NG to the trip info, any courses they're giving on the trip and who's going to be teaching. I'm sure some of us will take a look and be glad to give you some input about it. Sounds interesting and a bit pricey.

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March 25, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Sounds like their workshop.

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March 25, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hello Kyla,
I am going on a 10 day Photo Tour this summer with Jim Zuckerman called "Heart of Europe" -
We will visit Switzerland - Germany - France - Liechtenstein & Luxembourg.

I would like to hear more about your trip, do you have a link ? It does sound like a great opportunity for you.

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March 26, 2008


Sylvia Rossler
  Hey Carlton ..what a trip :o) I just jumped up when I read about your trip is leading to Luxembourg :O) I checked out your trip details and I'm happy to see you're going to see our newest Museum (the only remarkable building in my eyes..loll)Just one piece of advice,if possible visit this building at night, it is gorgeous with all the colorful lights turned on you won't see at day :O)Enjoy your trip !!

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March 26, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Thank you Sylvia, I am sure Jim is aware of the night time Museum shot & I will have my tripod & wide angle ready.
I am so excited for this trip, I feel like a kid again. I have been/lived in Europe several times during the mid 70's to late 80's but my last trip was in 1989. Even though I used a Nikon F2 back in those days, I only have a few memorable images from my time there.

I just received a book from Naturetrek that also have lots of plant & wildlife tours around the world.


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March 27, 2008


Samuel Smith
  so by a members question,now it becomes an advertisement?i am sure it's a translation thing.
you get a trip with jim and the rest of us are crap,did I miss a drawing or a sweepstakes or is it that again,the royalty survives.
please load up on chapstick.
so here we are.
well by my own disposition,slick bothered me.geez I hate myself for that.with no understanding.
as long as slick with his tricks offends others than the innocent and new memberes.i'm done.
then we go to just a trip and why post it here?
quite the querry.
is it that slick was an old adversary or friend?maybe a partner in a website?something went wrong?i'm sure he has visited my gallery and seen i'm basic.yet I know my craft.but this goes way

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March 27, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Sam, anyone can sign up for this trip if you belly up the $3200 like I have and space is still available. Jim has other trips to Venice & Africa, if you are interested.
I am signed up for Jim's newsletters on his website and I have taken 3 classes from him at BP, so I get occaisional e-mails with his latest news.

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March 28, 2008


Kyla M. Russell
  Wow! Thanks for all the responses!
And Samuel, Im sorry that all of my pictures and bio and things arent there! My parents didnt want me having this site so I deleted everything!
Anyway, here is a link:
It is really expensive and I still am needing to purchase a new camera!
It would take a lot of work, and no, I wasnt invited. And student in highschool could apply to go!

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March 29, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hello Kyla, This trip does look like a great adventure & learning experience. The fact that it has a specific objective in putting together a project will be valuble and that you are with other students to share the experience is also a big positive.
It is a bit pricey but travelling anywhere these days is and with the price of gas, I dont expect these trips to get any cheaper.
I hope this works out for you, Carlton

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March 29, 2008


Gena A. Tussey
  I can't give a rating on Jim's trip haven't taken one. But I did just get back from a trip to Rajasthan,India in February and had the best time of my life. Not only did I take over 3000 images(I only brought back about 2000), but met other people interested in photography and many had been on the NatGeo trips to Africa and Australia. They said those were more structure than the one we were on but the instructors were friendly and helpful and always available for critque and answers. I wasn't impressed with my instructor(I am a professional portrait photographer)since I was looking to extend my portfolio with travel photography. Basically, I ended up teaching most of the other travelers about portrait photography without flash. I still brought back some of the best images I have ever taken and would not trade a moment of it. And it cost me $2600 plus airfare($1400) and about $1000 in travel money and of course I had to have some Saris and a rug!

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April 03, 2008

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