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Photography Question 

Terri Wells

Create Gradient in Photoshop CS3?

Using the premise that you can create your own brushes in Photoshop from your own image, can you do the same to make a gradient? Example: I have a photo of a bed of tulips that I wanted to use as a background but fade it from full to transparent from top to bottom.
Thanks, Terri

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March 23, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  The effect is easily explained, but I'm not sure if you want it saved as something different than a layer that can be copied and pasted.
If you make your tulip image as a layer - either by directly duplicating the layer or selecting the whole image - copy it and paste it on a new background.
Next, you put a layer mask on it, then you choose the gradient tool. You then can drag where ever you'd like your starting point to be.
You can save it as a psd so whenever you need it, you just copy the faded layer.

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March 23, 2008

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