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Photography Question 

Stephen Blanchard

Moving files in Photoshop Elements Organizer

I use PE3 Organizer to organize and tag my photos. However, my hard drive is nearly full, and I plan to add a second hard drive solely for photo storage. Ideally I'd like to move all my photos (thousands of them) to this second hard drive to keep all photos in one place, but that will break all the links in the Organizer. I intend to keep all the folders, subfolders, and folder/filenames intact. Is there an easy way to move all the photos to the second hard drive using Organizer so that the links stay intact, or would it be better to just move them using Windows Explorer, and then use "reconnect all missing files" to re-establish the links (or am I asking for trouble doing this)? Another option of course is just to keep them all where they are and start anew filling up the new hard drive (perhaps easier, but I need to clear out some space on the C-drive to allow certain applications to run better). Thanks for any help and suggestions!

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January 29, 2008

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