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Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Photo trips

Hi – I’m new to Better Photo. A friend of mine told me about your site and after a few days of lurking, I just joined and now I have a question. Last year I finally got a good camera with lenses and other equipment so that I can begin to learn how to take better pictures. I was doing some searching online and learned about a photo trip in Yellowstone and Grand Teton for this February. I have always wanted to go to these places and would like to go on a photo trip so that I might be able to learn something. I don’t really know much about photo trips or the company that runs this particular trip and don’t even know how to get this information. The same friend who told me about BP suggested that I post a question here since it is possible someone here knows of the group. The group is called Travel Images and they are based in Idaho. The person running the trip is named John Baker. The trip goes for eight days and seems to be all about picture taking and they say that beginners are welcome. Can someone tell me about this group? Also, is there someplace I can go online to learn about the good and bad of such trips?

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January 29, 2008


Ariel Lepor
  I'm not the best person to answer these questions, but I just want to say that "Travel Images" isn't very well known (it's a small group). I don't really know anything about them, hopefully someone else does. It's probably fine, but you know you could go on trips on your own. has some great photography locations listed.

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January 29, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Since there are so many scams run via the internet these days, you're wise to do your homework Jo. Start with the tour operator himself / themselves. Ask them what professional associations they belong to and who is their bonding company. That's important to check out because if they default on the tour for any reason, the bonding company will refund your money if the company itself doesn't.

Also check with the Park Service to find if they have a list of authorized/approved tour providers and whether this outfit is on the list. Above all else, ask them for personal references, say 3 or 4 individuals who have traveled with them in the past and can attest to the quality of services they provide. And, check them out with the local Better Biz Bureau where they're based. That may tell you a lot.

If you do go ahead with your travel plans, make sure you don't sign any agreement that gives them a non-refundable deposit. And, make sure you have your own airline reservations. You might get a discount using the travel group but they could give you a tour number that you use to obtain that discount with the airlines.

Travel light. Have fun.
Take it light ;>)

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January 29, 2008

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