BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 

Diana Child

Security Issue

Recently I noticed a feature that allows you to share a photo with a friend. When the email is received, all you have to do is right click and choose "Save Image" and your image can be saved to wherever you want and used for whatever purposes. Many people here use their photos for microstock and/or sell at art shows and on BP Deluxe sites. This feature could be very detrimental to those people. Why spend the money on a Deluxe site if people can just take your photos for free?

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January 04, 2008

- Les Rhoades

BetterPhoto Member
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Les Rhoades's Gallery
  I'll be right back with a comment... I have to go email some images to myself. LOL!

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January 04, 2008


Diana Child
  Looks like they removed the feature. Problem solved.

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January 04, 2008


Melissa McCabe
  Don't think so - I just saw it under images I'd even removed from my gallery...

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January 04, 2008 - Sherry Karr Adkins

BetterPhoto Member
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  The option is still on my images when going through my member center. How can we have this removed? I am confused though....Does this mean anyone could gain access to any photo on BP? Or just the emailed photo? I like the idea of the link only. We can already do this option,(copy>paste) so why change and put our images at risk if it is possible to steal this way. I hope someone from BP will clarify this for us.

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January 04, 2008


Melissa McCabe
  I tried logging out, doing a search in the search box upper right, clicking on a photo, and emailing any old photo to myself - anybody can email anything - you don't have to be logged in, you don't even have to be a member by the looks of it!

Yet yes when I look in my gallery the feature is removed from under the image...

Very odd!

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January 04, 2008 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  Hello BP friends,

I am going to address this concern in the other thread, but wanted to just let you all know that:

a) You were seeing odd behavior because our developers were fine-tuning this right as you wrote to each other.

b) We have made it so that the large photos only show in the email when a member shares his/her own photos through the Member Center's "Your Photos" page. If a visitor shares a photo via the gallery pages, the resulting email will only have the smaller, thumbnail version of the image, along with a link encouraging the recipient to click to come to BetterPhoto to view or discuss the photo.

Thanks for your support and constructive feedback. The fact of the matter is that BP needs your help spreading the good word. Please tell everyone about BetterPhoto - all your friends, family, and even the people you meet while you're out shooting those fantastic photos!

Enjoy the beginning of 2008 at BetterPhoto. This is the Year of the BetterPhotographer!

Thank you,
Jim Miotke

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January 04, 2008 - Sherry Karr Adkins

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Sherry Karr Adkins
Sherry Karr Adkins's Gallery
  Thanks again, Jim.

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January 04, 2008


Alison Greenwood
  Seems the feature only appears on FREE galleries. My gallery has been de-activated since I saw that feature.

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January 12, 2008


Diane Dupuis
  Jim - I just tried this again - and it's still sending full size pics... I went to Mrs. G's free gallery - shared a pic with her - copy to myself... and I got the big size pic from her gallery... When she did the same - she got the full size pic and I got the thumbnail... All this done from the gallery - not the My photos...
It looks like the option is not turned on in premium galleries though - just free ones... Is that possible? Because it's not on my pics in my gallery... If yes, then why don't the people with free galleries have the same protection as Premium gallery owners?
BP should never have an option to forward a larger than thumbnail pic to someone... We need protection. We know that people can steal our pics through several different methods - but we would appreciate if BP would not help them along! If I want to share a pic with someone - I just e-mal them the link to the pic at bp...
Hope this gets settled quickly...

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January 12, 2008

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