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Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 

Bob Cammarata

...Feelin' A Little Buggy?

Late summer and early fall are prime times for insect and bug photography.
More often than not we point our lenses at some strange looking critters we've never seen before!

It's always good to be able to correctly I.D. a species.
A few of the sources I've used are and Giff Beaton's Nature Page.
Both are reliable sources for obtaining accurate I.D.'s.

I'm interested to know what sources others have used to indentify the bugs and insect images they've captured.

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September 23, 2007


Irene Troy
  Good idea, Bob: here are a few more that I have found of use: - if you do not find your bug in their extensive galleries, try sending pic of the bug and usually someone will get back to you within a day or two - very extensive listings separated by state and/or regions lots of wonderful “buggy” images along with great id tools

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September 23, 2007


Bob Cammarata
  Ambush Bug
Ambush Bug

Bob Cammarata

  Hickory Horned Devil
Hickory Horned Devil
(Citheronia regalis)

Bob Cammarata

Thanks Irene.
That last link you provided is one I've never used before. I've sent a few photos to and gotten a quick response on one of my mystery bugs but I think it's more fun scrolling through a bunch of pages to find your bug without asking for help. (...I guess it's a guy thing.)

I've attached a few photos of recent encounters experienced during this bug season.


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September 23, 2007

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