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Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Photo Slideshows

Can anyone suggest the best program or way to show clients a slideshow of their pictures. I have been playing around with Windows Moviemaker but wonder if there is something more professional/easier/and a way for me to show pics without the client being about to download the pics from the slideshow rather go to my web site and purchase prints from me?

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September 03, 2007


Mary Iacofano
good question,
there must be programs out there. Google photo slide show. I have heard Pro show gold is nice. I have never used it.
Anyone else have any names or suggestions?

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September 04, 2007

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
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  I use Photodex ProShow to make my slideshows. There is even a course available for this program here at Better Photo. It is pretty easy to use and you get a ton of options from setting the timing of the images and transitions (you get a nice selection of transitions as well), zooming, panning, rotating and you can also drop in a soundtrack with it as well.
The finished product is a DVD that can be played on your TV. I make them for concert productions and show them with my projectors. There are a lot of options to get really fancy and also some automated ones to make it really simple. I've tried a few different slideshow programs and this is the one that can really get the WOW factor. You can also add text to any image, set the parameters for TV (4.3)or Widescreen format. A friend of mine just made a DVD with this program of a collection of antiques with his mothers voice added as the soundtrack as she describes each piece in the slideshow. It is not a free program but worth every penny if you plan to make many of these.

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September 04, 2007

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