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Photography Question 

Debby A. Tabb

For Those Looking For Great Lighting!

Just a Bit of Help:
I found these on Ebay and I know there are many of you looking for lighting right now.
These are REAL Work Horses!
I have worked with sets well over 30 years old.
Check to see the bulb prices compared to new modles.
You'll find part prices (@thier most expensive) in the Photogenic Catolog.
( Photogenic would rather you buy from a dealer)



No, I am not selling these, Don't know the seller, Just Know These Lights.
All Emails should Be Addressed To Seller.
Thanks and Good Luck,

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August 19, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Here's another deal, this one for a Speedotron 2400 w/s pack currently at 100 bucks.

The nice thing about this pack is it's much newer technology, has switchable power settings, replaceable components and the seller will even ship it for about $22 bucks. With a small dolly from OSH and two lampheads with reflectors for about 50 - 60 bucks each, you'll own your own studio business, just like the big guys. ;>)

I may be selling a couple of my own Speedotron packs later this year. Anyone interested, let me know.

Take it light.

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August 19, 2007

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