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Photography Question 

Ruth S. Ueland

Photo Lab NEEDED!!!!!!!!

Hello All,
I have been looking for a photo lab to print my digital photographs. I found Mpix, and all those other websites that need a credit card to order. Trouble is I don't have a credit card.
I have not had success in finding a photo lab in my area-Springfield, MO. What should I do????

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June 25, 2007


Christopher A. Vedros
  "What should I do????"

Keep looking. If you don't have a credit card, then that pretty much rules out doing any type of business online.

You probably have a Springfield Yellow Pages, don't you? Have you tried looking there? Lots of places print pictures from digital files, including WalMart, Walgreens, CVS, Costco, etc. While they don't all offer the consistent high quality that professionals need, they may be good enough for your needs.

Many camera stores also have photofinishing services. Have you checked for any of those?

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June 25, 2007


Bobby R. Strange
  Do you have a debit card? Most banks offer debit cards for checking accounts, etc. Maybe check with your bank to get one of those if you don't have one? That's what I use with MPix since I don't have a credit card either.

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June 25, 2007


Carolyn L. Fox
  I know there's a good photography club in Springfield. It's called the Springfield Photo Club I believe. If you can locate them, someone in the club may be able to help you. Otherwise, I'd go with the debit card as suggested by Bobby.

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July 06, 2007

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