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Desiree C. Preckwinkle

Sony mini DVD camcorder question

How the heck do you get the videos on your computer? I can view them on my computer, but I want to burn them all to a larger standard DVD. Any info. is appreciated. Thanks,


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May 31, 2007


Christopher A. Vedros
  You need a program that can extract video clips from DVDs and assemble them together to make a new DVD. I use Ulead DVD Studio, but there are many programs available to do this.

In DVD Studio, I select & copy the clips from each mini DVD into a new project, add transitions between clips, title cards, a menu, etc. then burn it all to a new DVD. The program was fairly easy to learn.

Chris Vedros

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May 31, 2007


Christopher A. Vedros
  Sorry, the program I use is actually Ulead DVD Movie Factory. The current version is 6, but I haven't upgraded from version 4 yet. You should be able to find it for around $50.

Ulead also has a program called Video Studio (currently on version 11), which is a little more powerful, and therefore more expensive and complicated. It is more suited to actually editing your videos, rather than just putting them together. It can combine multiple video streams and do overlays with chromakey and stuff like that.

Chris A. Vedros

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June 01, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  Why can't you copy the files to your computer and then to another DVD? Unless there is a formatting problem, you should be able to do it by opening My Computer, right-click the drive and click Open, copy the files to the desktop or other folder, put in a blank dvd, and drag the files into the DVD drive. If this won't write, you can get free programs to burn DVDs.

ScrattyPhotography Blog

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June 01, 2007


Christopher A. Vedros
  No, that won't work. The DVD camcorder doesn't just store the video in an MPEG or other video file. It records as a DVD. You need a program that can extract video from a DVD.

The benefit is that it does this very quickly. With most tape-based video, you have to play the video on the camera and capture it in real time. So it takes 30 minutes to transfer 30 minutes of video to the computer. I can extract 30 minutes of video from a mini DVD in well under a minute.

Try your method with any DVD movie. You will see VOB, IFO and BUP files, but if you just copy them all to a new DVD, it won't play.

Chris Vedros

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June 01, 2007


Desiree C. Preckwinkle
  Yeah as Chris said, it would be illegal to be able to just copy a DVD so easy. Looks like I am going to have to pay the good ol' video guy out here to do it all for me. Thank you everyone who gave the suggestions for the needed software.

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June 02, 2007

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