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Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 

Mark Feldstein


I have a friend who asked me to help him install indoor plumbing at his house this weekend, but I don't know anything about it. It's a small house, with a few guests coming over once in awhile. He doesn't have enough money to pay a REAL plumber and said even if the plumbing leaks, it's ok as long as I do my best to make sure it doesn't leak. I need advice on how to do this, what wrenches to buy, where to get my plumbing supplies and how to hold the wrenches to get the best possible results. Do I need a written contract? Who holds the copyright on my plumbing job?

Can't someone PLEASE help me?
Take it light.
Mark (not a derek substitute)

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May 28, 2007


Rob Zuidema

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May 28, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  As I thought some of us would. ;>)

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May 28, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  Who do you think we are? A bunch of plumbing photographers? lol Go to a plumbing forum, if one exists.

Just Google it, and tell your "friend" you know nothing about the subject.

ScrattyPhotography Blog

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May 28, 2007


Bob Cammarata
  ...Don't they make point-and-turn auto wrenches?

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May 28, 2007


Christopher A. Vedros
  That's a really good one, Mark! ;-)

I think many of us will get the parody, but obviously not everyone will.

I AM actually shooting a wedding this weekend, and was thinking about posting something along the same lines. Maybe I'll just piggyback on your thread.

Here goes:

HELP! I'm shooting a wedding this weekend and need some help!

I don't have any questions about equipment, or metering, or techniques, or what to charge, because I wouldn't have taken the job if I didn't think I was prepared and qualified for it.

My problem is that the ceremony is outside in June, and when I'm outside in the sun on a hot day, I tend to sweat. What should I do?? Should I wear extra anti-perspirant? Should I wear shorts and a T-shirt? I don't have one of those T-shirts that looks like a tuxedo, but maybe I could borrow one. Has anyone tried one of those pith helmets with the battery-operated fan in it? Maybe I should just pray for some cloud cover? (I'm actually doing that already)

What do I do???? ;-)

Chris A. Vedros

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May 28, 2007


Mike Rubin
  Mark & Chris,

THANKS, I really needed this today ROTFLMAO

Mike :)

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May 28, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Oh Chris, wear what you feel comfortable in. Remember they hired you for your talent and afterall, we're photographers and shouldn't be slaves to fashion. I don't have a helmet with a battery operated fan. Glad to loan you my beanie with the fan on top though. /0:>)

I wonder, what IS the best dressed photographer wearing these days?
Gotta go start a bar-b-que. Got a brand new "point and shoot briquette (sp?) lighter" from HD right here. LOL !!!
Take it light.

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May 28, 2007


Pat Wimpee
  Chris, I think you should help Mark out and not be hijacking his thread!!
Now Mark, First calm down and take a deep breathe....
You didn't say what exactly you'll be plumbing, so I'll assume it's the toilet. (since your worried about how many guests come over at various times etc.)
First wear a pair of fly-fishing waders cuz you never know when the sh#@t will fly.
As for the wrenches you'll need... That's a good question. Having the proper eqipment is no doubt important, but in my experience you can "make do" with a kids set of plastic wrenches from walmart. I realize they aren't the best equipment, but you do have to start somewhere.
As for the contract I believe a handshake will be good. After all you are friends- Right?
I realize this is a lengthy post but you do need all the help you can get.
Chris I think Mark has answered your dress question very well, so I won't add anything to it.
Have fun

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May 29, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Hey Pat !! Thanks for the, errr, ummmm "scoop" on that. I like the digital wrench theory, though. Handshake? Hmmmmm....would that be with or without the gloves ?
Take it with an "air" of indifference. :>)


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May 29, 2007


Todd Bennett
  Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Mark! You ain't right dude. LMAO. Hey, I'll come over and help. I need a steady beer supply. LOL

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May 29, 2007


Irene Troy
  OMG, Mark!! I do think that you may have totally gone over the edge! Now in my case this would be a very short trip. I haven’t had such a good laugh on this forum for a very long time. Thanks for brightening my day!


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May 29, 2007


Pete H
That's nothing Mark! Yeesh!
Check this out.

I have a single engine light aircraft license. I was approached by a good friend who needs to get to Europe but doesn't want to pay the high commercial rates.

His friend DOES have a 737 business class he wanted to know if I could fly it.

Other than the jet being faster, can anyone tell me how to operate some of the "other" controls?
How do I use the GPS and flight management computer?
What is a stick shaker?
I usually only fly at 5-7K flying at 30k feet any different?

I really don't care if the ride is bumpy; just want to get there safely.

Oh; we leave in 3 days so any advice would be appreciated!

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May 29, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  You people sure do have important questions! ;)

You need to open landing gear before landing. You can fly at 30k feed but you will not be able to breath.

You will not get there safely unless you figure out how to pull the nose up. Use the stick.

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May 29, 2007


Todd Bennett

I'm not so sure you didn't "One Up" mark with that one.

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May 29, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  I'm not so sure that Mark isn't being controlled by W.S. There is a way to do this, I know.

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May 29, 2007


Mike Rubin
  May this thread go on..forever!

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May 29, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Hi Pete: I believe it's like this:
Top display is GPS nav system, right of that is radio selector / heading selector switches.

2nd Panel down from left to right:
Instrument brightness switches
Older battery operated standby artificial horizon similar to the older FD 108 systems.

3rd Panel down left to right:
Airspeed indicator
EA direct indicator
EA heading selector nav system
Auto direction finder
Rudder position indicators,
Flap indicators adjacent to that for both port and starboard wings;
Landing gear handle and indicator lights.
Top Center above windscreen, fluxgate compass with battery powered lamp indicator.

Remember to calculate your V1 and V2 speeds based on gross take-off weight, runway and outdoor temp (and dew point) prior to leaving the gate and don't forget to call clearance delivery prior to taxi. Anything else, just hollar. ;>) Have a safe trip.

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May 29, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Sorry Todd, did you say something? I was busy setting my radio altimeter to field altitude, turning the radar off, checking the parking brake and attenuator pressure, and making sure the throttles were in the prestart positions. 0/:>)

Let's see, where were Would that be system A or B hydraulics? LOL !!

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May 29, 2007


  OMG!!! I just had the biggest laugh! Thanks very much everyone! loved it.

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May 29, 2007


Pete H
  Thanks Mark,

I'll let ya' know how our flight goes.

Now umm, V2 & Vr are very close yes?..or is that V1-V2? Hmmm?
Flaps at 8 degrees for takeoff or was that landing? Hmmm?

What's this doo-Hicky do? Hmmm?

APU pre-start? Hmmm?

Mark; thanks! AA great way to present what needs to be said; without having to say it! LOL


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May 29, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Pete: Turn the APU (aux power unit) off prior to engine starting.

V1 is the actual ground speed for rotating the nose gear off, V2 (actually just prior to V2) is takeoff commitment speed, the maximum speed you can hit prior to safely aborting the take-off and just before lifting the main gear off (don't run out of runway that way). [Wait...I smell burning brakeshoes]. V2 is actual lift-off speed.

And that doo-Hickey is part of the thingamajig and the fundartle to the left of the first officer's seat and the invisible line dividing the cockpit from left to right. The stuff on the left belongs to the capt. the stuff on the right belongs to the captain too. And don't forget to cross check your RMI with your CDI. ;>)) Turn your radar off (including test pattern) prior to
engine start and leave off until after take-off. Caution: Fire hazard.

My pleasure Pete. Yep. Lemme know how it goes and what the movie was, if any. Take a 35 with a w/a lens for ten seconds from touchdown inside the inner marker.

Anybody seen Todd lately? Anyone got a spare lunch sack? BTW, what's a gallon of JP4 going for these days?

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May 29, 2007


Todd Bennett
  Haven't seen him. Friday I paid 4.78 for Avgas. Jet fuel is usually about .25 cheaper.

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May 30, 2007


Todd Bennett

I thought the doo-Hickey was part of the thingamabob, not the thingamajig! That's why my landing sucked Monday.
Who'd a thunk it.

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May 30, 2007


Pete H
I've learned a lot!
Here are two truisms I learned.

Useless things in aviation:

1) Runway behind you

2) Fuel consumed

I must disagree with Todd though on one point.

The Doo-Hicky is part of the Whatcha-ma-call-it..I think? Hmmm?


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May 30, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Oh ohhhhh...I think I better double check my whoositwhatsis for a schematic of my whatcha-ma-call it. thingy ma bob. $4.28 for a gallon of avgas. Geeeez !!!!

So, on a comml. 727 flight from PHX to LAX, maintenance is on a lift servicing the oil sump on the #1 engine when a passenger comes up to the f/o and asks what the problem is. F/o says the captain doesn't like the sound of the #1 engine. Passenger asks: "Are they flying in a new engine?" F/O replies..."No, we're flying in a new captain."

I think we need to start a new site called "Flying Photographers." I'm constantly amazed at the talent around here. More pilots than plumbers. Who'd have think THAT??? LOL !!! We need to come up with something like the First Annual BP Fly In.

Man this is much more fun than photography. :>)))
Remember as you fly through life, the safest maneuver is a 180 degree turn. :>)

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May 30, 2007

- Dennis Flanagan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dennis Flanagan
Dennis Flanagan's Gallery
  Make sure you have an adjustable apeture pipe wrench.

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May 30, 2007


Todd Bennett
  A pilot rights the following squawk up for maintenance to fix:

"Number three engine missing."

Sign off for work completed:

"Engine found on right wing after brief search."

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May 30, 2007


Kerry L. Walker
  Back to Mark's original question - you need to know the basic tenets of plumbing before you take on the project.

1. Hot's on the left.
2. Cold's on the right.
3. Poop don't run uphill.

Now, you are ready.

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May 30, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Thanks Kerry, but when it comes to plumbing, I think I'm just a... big pipe dope.

Got it Dennis, but I can't figure out if it's a left or right-handed wrench. Thanks though !!

Great one Todd !!!

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May 30, 2007


Samuel Smith
  pipe dope?is that teflon tape or the mix?i could have actually helped you leaks.
but to the point....
I also have a special on gazebos and above ground pools,hot tubs,siding,roofing.still trying to pick this photography thing up.
it's all pretty easy..unlees you haven't done it.
I guess.

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May 30, 2007


Debbie Del Tejo
  I was up late last night and had to get up way too early today. I am soooooo tired and sleepy but YOU WOKE ME UP WITH THIS..........ROTFL


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May 31, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Always a pleasure to awaken you Deb. :>)

Careful there Sam, your answer was getting dangerously close to something Alan M. might put up. (Good guy, just kidding). Now, would that be prize winning jacuzzis from an outfit called "ENDLESS SAUNAS". If so, I wanna enter and buy the book. How long does it take to get it ?

I think I better go to work.

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May 31, 2007


Todd Bennett
  Hey Mark,

Thought you could use this for the weekend project. Should make for some good late night reading.,M1

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May 31, 2007


Mike Rubin
  Mark, you said..

"I think I better go to work."

I thought that being a photographer was easy and really isn't work. All you do is push a button, right??
Now,plumbing is a different story.

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May 31, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Thanks Todd. That really is a very useful site for the novices or even experienced. I bookmarked it.

Meanwhile, a neurosurgeon calls up a plumber to fix a leaky faucet. Plumber shows up, fixes the thing in about 15 minutes and hands the doctor a bill for $400.
"WHADDYA MEAN $400 BUCKS" !!!! Yells the surgeon. "I'm a neurosurgeon and even I don't make $1,200 bucks an hour."
The plumber looks at the doctor and without missing a beat says "you know doc, when I was a neurosurgeon, I didn't make $1,200 bucks an hour either."

Thanks again buddy !

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May 31, 2007


Todd Bennett
  Too funny Mark. If that's not enough you can always buy the book "Plumging for Dummies." LOL

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May 31, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  How about "Plumbing for Neurosurgeons" or better yet..."Neurosurgery for Plumbers".

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May 31, 2007


Samuel Smith
  c'mon,where's the courtesy,nobody mentioned plumbers crack.
solution,heat up a penny with a pair of pliers and a lighter and drop it in the slot,you won't have to see it again.
free lincoln head tatoo.
endless plumbers union.
the parody and fair shot at everyone,but I recently heard bp needs fixing.probably on a different channel.
however to the newbies,ask away,but please include more info.
but quite the point,to a point.

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May 31, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Hey Sam. When I was growing up, we called it "NorgeButt" that was not strictly limited to plumbers but also appliance repair people. Yeah, I think BP has a leak in the brain trust department, including us. .

I wonder if the book Todd mentioned is available in a waterproof cover. Hey Todd, is that "Plunging for Dummies"?


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June 01, 2007


Todd Bennett
  Didn't see my typo. LOL "Plumbing for Dummies"

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June 01, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Geez, I was kinda hoping for "plunging". Now THAT would be a GREAT title. But I digress.... LOL !!!

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June 01, 2007


Carol A. Roux
  Do you know aabou Lowe's or Home Depot they show you how to do plumbing and I bet someone there knows how to fly also. Their reputation saays we help you. Heck you can get all yo need to build your own plane if you want. Handy dandy instructions are available on the net for all kinds of planes including F-18's, or you can come to Tucson and go to the aircraft bone yard here at Davis-Monthan AFB.
If your plumbing springs a leak be sure you have a boat handy with paddles.

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June 01, 2007


Samuel Smith
  it is better to be in chains with friends,than a garden with enemies.
anywho,endless saunas!!!gawd.i guess ya had to be there.
that windy city,chi-town humor.
the perspective and point of view is noted.daily life should be lived as not hate.
boy you did good mark.
my pixels,pixies,plunging are calling me,homer,plato,or even bennie hill.
thanks for the therapy.

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June 01, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Hmmmmmm, "pixel plunging"? Surely THIS is a new digital technique. BP workshop anyone? Anybody? [No, not me. I wouldn't go near that one with a ten foot handle.]

Thanks for noting that for me Carol. I wanted to put a 737 in my driveway but the architectural review board here said "You've GOT to be kidding." Now an F-18, otoh, THAT one might just fly. :>) A bit smaller with a shorter wingspan.

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June 01, 2007


Mike Rubin
  I thought it was only the East coast that was uptight with regulations and that you could do what you want in CA?

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June 01, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Unfortunately, Mike, they still believe in east coast meddling here in parts of the west. The solution is "better to ask for forgiveness than permission." I shouldda built the thing. LOL !!!

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June 01, 2007


Todd Bennett
  Hey Mark,

I told you a fib. I actually only paid 4.11 per gal for the avgas. I don't have any idea why they charged me that when their sign said 4.78. I never even looked at the receipt until last night. I guess I've got to fly up there and correct their mistake! NOT. I did pay over 5.00 per gal in Key West about 2 months ago.

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June 02, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  That's really a tragic Todd. I can recall when I think it was 80-87 was less than a buck a gallon, like 90 cents or even less.. . installed. :<(

I honestly don't know how transportation businesses can operate without passing along huge fuel increases to consumers. I know UPS has raised their rates twice in the past year which is unusual for them. Airline fare wars still offer some real bargains on coast to coast trips but they're gouging for short-hauls 500 miles or less it seems. It's awful. And for private pilots, how do you guys get any hours in without taking out a second or even third mortage???

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June 02, 2007


Todd Bennett
  It's tough Mark. I am a member of a local flying club that has 2 Cessna 172's and we rent the planes for 70.00 per hr. wet, which is about 20.00 per hr. less than at the FBO. This setup works for me because I don't have the expense of maintenance, insurance, hanger fees etc. The FBO is charging a fuel surcharge of, I think, 10.00 per hr. which makes there rentals 30.00 per hr. more than us. With the FAA and the airlines pushing user fees and increased fuel taxes it is going to be even tougher. Heck, if that comes to fruition, I'll probably have to give it up. But, what the heck, I'll enjoy it while I can. I don't think the user fees will pass; but, I do see added fuel taxes in the future.

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June 02, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Well, I guess in a 172, if you split it between 4 people, that's not awful per hour, but flying solo or just two of ya, that's pretty pricey. You need a commercial and CFII and that way you get paid for cruisin' around O/;>))

Better yet, I think we need to start a BP Photo flying club in a very reconditioned C130 (better yet a DC10) with a darkroom, sleep accomodations and wet bar. Traveling the world spreading the word about the advantages of FILM photography Whaddya think? Heh heh heh.


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June 03, 2007


Todd Bennett
  Sign me up.

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June 03, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Speaking of aviation plumbing and darkrooms, wonder how we'd dispose of the chemistries at altitude in the septic system.

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June 04, 2007


Todd Bennett
  We may have to employ our own HAZMAT team.

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June 04, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Yep. Especially since I'm still getting a whiff of bovenis excrementis around these parts. LOL !!!

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June 06, 2007


Todd Bennett

You want to borrow a clothes pin? LOL

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June 06, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Yes, please !!!
LOL !!!

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June 06, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  I know this question has been asked before many times, but I'm feeling like I don't want to try and do a search for the answer on my own. So, do I have to register my plumbing job so no one can steal it? If so, how much does it cost, where can I go to register it, what happens if someone else registers my plumbing first?

AND, here's a really tough one: If someone wants to copy my plumbing job, how much should I charge them for what?
I dunno.
HELP !!!

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June 10, 2007


Mike Rubin
  You may have wanted to ask this as a new question instead of burried in this thread. There are some folks here that are really knowlegable about this stuff.
To determine pricing, contact the plumbers union to get copy rates. You will need to tell the if it is a one time copy or will it be used multiple times. Maybe the ASMP (American Society of Major Plumbers) can help.

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June 10, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  That's probably a great idea, Mike. I was going to contact Political but I think ASMP is more my bent, errrrr, so-to-speak.

Going to race off to Home Depot and score my "light wrench"
LOL !!!
Is it just me, or am I becoming a bit too cynical for BP or maybe the photojournlism profession as a whole (or half) .

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June 10, 2007


Todd Bennett

Don't forget when doing plumbing you have to have the correct credentials proving you are a master plumber i.e. pants so loose your butt crack shows, etc.

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June 10, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Oh MAN !!! Now I gotta go get a new wardrobe?? Sheesh. The hits just keep on comin'. Always a catch.

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June 10, 2007


Mike Rubin
  Make sure that you get a Right Handed Wrench, unless you happen to be left handed, but left handed wrenches are hard to find.

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June 10, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Oh man, Mike why do you do this to me??
I'm ambidextrous. NOW WHAT !??? I need a two-handed wrench ? Can I get one from B&H ya think?

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June 10, 2007


Todd Bennett

They have universal wrenches; .........but.....they cost twice as much. Dunno! Maybe you should give up plumbing and take up photography? Whadda ya think?

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June 10, 2007


Mike Rubin
  Maybe, I thought that B&H sold everything that we MUST HAVE!

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June 10, 2007


Samuel Smith
  i'd like to see a markie mark rap album.
c'mon,bust the crop/sp?
and with some plumbing ya get to do some glue sniffing.
the idea of universal wenches has some appeal.letters get lost in the mail all the time.
fathers day is coming up,hope we don't all get sent to hell and put in the mutha's endless journey.
check please.

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June 10, 2007

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