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Photography Question 

Linda Kessler

Portable Backdrop Support Systems

I am trying to choose a portable backdrop system for hanging velvet. I use it mostly for pregnancy shoots and sometimes with children. I have narrowed it down to Bogen-Manfrotto, Photek and Photoflex. I am looking for the most stable, lightweight, best construction, will accommodate fabric about 4'7" and the easiest to put up and take down. Anyone have info on comparisons or experience with these?

Thank you


P.S. I already purchased the Savage and did not like it all, difficult to put up and take down and flimsy.

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May 28, 2007


Jessica A. Eiss
  I would say check out ebay. I bought a great system from a company, and couldn't tell you who at this point, but the system is a good one.

do a search for backdrop stands.

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June 04, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
I have the Bogen-Manfrotto 3 roll presure system, this uses a presure hold and release from ceiling to floor.
but you can also purchase the legs for it as well, making this a very sturdy unit.
this one holds 3 10x20 muslins that I have velcroed to the rollers.
try B&H or for pieces Ebay.
I do hope this helps,

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June 04, 2007

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