BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Imrahil Dol Amroth

Whats the best slr to buy now?

I am going to purchase a new slr camera and I am trying to find the best slr for my needs. I am interested in landscape and nature photography, especially birds and animals. I have a limited budget but I was thinking of getting either a Pentax MZ-6, a Canon Rebel or a Nikon F-75. Which camera is the better buy? Is one camera superior to the others?
Any info appreciated.

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May 16, 2004


Jason J. Hess

Go to a camera store and line the three camera's up. Which one feels better built, which one feels better in your hands (comfort, easy to access controls etc.). All of these camera's have advantages and disadvantages. Also remember you're buying into a camera system, not just a body. When you want to move up in a camera...and trust me some day you will, will your accessories (ie. flash, lenses) be able to grow with you. All of the brands are reliable well built cameras but asking which one is better is like asking which car to buy it's a matter of personal preference. Some people like Canon...others like Nikon. The other thing to consider is, if you eventually decide to go digital, will your system be able to grow with you. I know a few people who used Nikon film SLR's but went to Canon when they went digital....none of their Nikon lenses are compatible with their new Canon system. Look at the cameras, read the reviews, websites like can be very helpful, and then decide which system is best for you.

Good Luck


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May 16, 2004


Steve McCroskey
  Hi Nathan!
I agree with Jay,you will want a camera system that will grow with you as gain experience!
I bought my first camera, a Minolta maxxum 5 two years ago and have periodically enlarged my system - several lenses, flash, etc.
My next planned addition is the new maxxum 7 digital, available this fall.
This camera will be compatible with everything that I already have!!
It's your decision on which system you think will work for you!
Steve McCroskey

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May 21, 2004

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