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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

70-200 f4L wide enough for close ups?

I'm looking to upgrade to a Canon L series (70-200) lens, but can't pony up the $1k plus for the f2.8. I'm considering the f4 version, but is that wide enough to throw backgrounds out of focus for close up work? I'm planning to forgo a macro lens for the time being and use a diopter for my close-up work. If a f4 isn't wide enough, I'd considering going for the 200 f2.8L, but the zoom would be more practical for my other photography. Any advice would be appreciated.

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May 12, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  There isn't much difference between 2.8 and 4. Minimum focus distance will be about an inch difference in depth of field.

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May 12, 2004

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