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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

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joe Yuen

Buying a zoom lens for Nikon F3

I am finally getting serious with my F3 that I have been using since it came out. The first upgrade I am thinking is getting a zoom lens. I have done some research for the candidates, either Nikon lens or Tamron lens I will trust. But it seems like I will have to get a AF lens. Is the new Tamron XR 28-200 or 28-300 any good? If getting Nikon's, how about AF 28-105? It's very hard to find the right lens, pls share some advice or recommendations.

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May 07, 2004


Peter K. Burian
  Joe: You must buy a lens that has an aperture ring for selecting f/stops. Many newer lenses do not, because they are intended for cameras that allow you to set the f/stop using a dial on the camera.

The Nikon F3 does not allow you to set f/stops in that manner. (The AF cameras such as the F5, F100, etc. do.)

Otherwise, any AF lens in Nikon mount will be fine for the F3.

I have tested the Tamron XR zooms and and if you want a Tamron lens, I would recommend the 28-200mm XR model for the best image quality.

Note: I tested the Canon AF version and it did NOT have an aperture ring. I believe that the lens in Nikon mount DOES have that ring. Check with a retailer.

Cheers! Peter Burian

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May 09, 2004

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