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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Candice Hughes

Which Brand of Lenses Is Better?

I'm wanting to buy a lens to shoot Little League baseball games. I'm thinking about a lens in the 100-300mm range. I've read mixed reviews about Sigma, Tamron, and Minolta. I have a Maxxum 5 and am wondering if I should stay with the Minolta brand or not. Which one of these three brands would be the best quality for the money?

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May 05, 2004


Terry L. Long
  Hello Candice. You're asking for the impossible. You've given three choices of "brands" and you'll probably get at least three different opinions on "which is the best". It's like asking, "Which is the best brand of car to buy?" or "Which is the best brand of clothes to buy?" I happen to own Canon 35mm equipment, but I've only got one Canon lens. I've got both Tokina and Sigma lenses, which are just fine. The reason I went with "off brand" lenses is affordability. I'd rather have the Canon lenses though. You'd probably have less compatibility problems with the Minolta lenses though. My Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 lens didn't work right with my Canon EOS 1N ... at first ... so I sent it back. The replacement I got works just fine. I don't think I would've had that problem if the lens was a Canon. Good luck with your choice.

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May 05, 2004


Peter K. Burian
  It's like asking, "Which is the best brand of car to buy?" or "Which is the best brand of clothes to buy?" Amen.

My only comment is this: Some Sigma lenses are superb and very rugged, but avoid the low-end Sigma zooms. My Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 HSM (a pro lens) has been working perfectly for five years now, but some friends had the cheap 70-300mm zooms and had some autofocus problems. I now use the smaller Canon 70-200mm f/4 most often, but usually because it's more portable.) Cheers!

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May 05, 2004


Steve McCroskey
  I, too,use the Maxxum 5, my standard lense is the Quantaray 28-105mm with a Quantaray 2x teleconverter when needed. My secondary lense is the Quantaray 70-300mm, also with the 2x teleconverter when needed!
Steve McCroskey

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May 10, 2004


Stephen Hill
  Hi, I'm a big Minolta fan and also used a lot off different brand lenses. Money was a factor, but after getting my hands on some original Minolta brand lenses I refuse to shoot with anything else. I have definitely noticed a difference in quality, mainly in the sharpness of the images. My suggestion would be to invest in the Minolta brand lens if you can afford it. Since your probably only talking about common focal length lenses they are not that much more expensive anyway.

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May 19, 2004

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