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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Tammy Comer

Need advice on studio lighting please

Hello! I am wanting to buy some studio lights. Possibly a main light, fill light, hair light, background light. Some with soft boxes, some with umbrellas. From what I have read, the main light needs to be more powerful than the others. I have been looking Britek brand. Is this a good brand? More importantly what wattage should I consider using? Seems that I have read that 500 would be good for an in home studio main light. Anxious to hear (read) your helpful advice--Tammy

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March 27, 2004


James E. Siler
  Hello, Remember that the lighting you choose is directly related to the type of film you use. For color print or slide film you need a daylight balanced (5500k)system. You can use tungston or quartz lighting but then you will need a color correction filter because the light is balanced at only 3200k. Or use Tungston film. The 3200k will work great with black & white film or digital. May I also suggest that you use lights with a power selector. That way you can control the amount of light you want to produce in an area of the photo. You may want to look into Morris slave units for the fill and hair lights as well as the background. These small units are capible of guide #'s of 66 to 72 @asa 100. They are triggered by the main flash or you can get them with a p.c. connector and the price is right. You can call 1-800-225-8638 or e-mail Calumet @ They will assist you with whatever you need, but they are a bit high in price
but if your budget allows, they are indeed worth it. For softboxes and umbrellas, try
The prices are great example: 24x24 softbox with universal ring is around $30.00 or so and umbrellas start at $6.00. I hope this helps a little.
Best wishes,

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April 05, 2004

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