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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Lori Lyman

New lense and flash

I am looking into getting a new lense for my Canon Rebel and a new flash, but I want some good advice on which to buy. I will mostly be doing portaits, group shots, and close ups, plus a little landscape type photography. I am wondering if I should go with a Canon lense, or try Sigma or Tamron. I'm on a limited budget, so I'd like to buy something used for under $200. Any suggestions? Just looking for the most quality for the money. Also, I am looking at different flashes (Canon, Sigma, Sunpak). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am a serious amateur and I need some equipment I can grow with. Thanks!

Lori Lyman

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March 26, 2004


Buddy Purugganan
  Lori, you have a good camera so if you want $200 lens for the AF camera you own try the Canon USM lenses 28-105mm at A & M Photoworld ( ), the 75-300mm lens at CCI Camera City Inc. ( ), the 55-200mm or 90-300mm USM lenses from SMILE Photo ( ). Anyway, they are just some. Flashes? Again, check the websites I suggested.

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April 02, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  If buying used,...check out those on-line auction sites, like e-bay, for lenses.
There are often good deals from sellers who have upgraded, and just looking to "unload" what they no longer use.
As long as the seller is reputable and has a good positive rating, you can usually buy with confidence. (Make sure there is a return policy, though.)

For lenses, I would stick with Canon as the first choice. The two Buddy recommended will cover a full range of shooting scenarios.
You might also want to consider as a third choice to maybe add on later, a prime lens in standard size. The EF 50mm f/2.5 Compact Macro will cover your portrait and landscape needs, and allow for close focusing to 1/2-lifesize.

For flashes, you might want to add Vivitar's line to your list from which to choose. They are of high quality, and economical.
(You should buy your flash new,...not used.)

Happy hunting!

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April 03, 2004

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