BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Not Sure What Lens to buy

I have a Nikon FM camera that I have owned for 20 yrs. I haven't used it much, but I just dug it out of the camera bag to use. I have a 50mm 1:1.8 lens on it now. I have kids in sports and want to take shots from a distance at their games. I'm not sure if I should go ahead and buy a zoom lens of some type for this camera? (If so any recommendations?) Or should I be looking a purchasing a newer camera?

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March 16, 2004


doug Nelson
  Hold on to this camera. The lens you have is reportedly one of Nikon's sharpest. See
for some advice on Nikkor lenses. Buy an AI- or AIS-series in a Nikkor lens.

Consider an ATX-series lens by Tokina. Like Nikkors, they're pricey but are not junk. See for some Tamron Adaptall-type lenses. The higher priced ones are great; the cheapies may not be.

Remember that it's a bit harder to hand-hold a telephoto or tele-zoom. You should use a very fast shutter, and fast film. Even then you might use a monopod or tripod.

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March 17, 2004


Randall Stewart
  Assuming you're looking as sports like soccer or football, you will want a lens in the 200mm range. A zoom like a 70-210mm will only be used at its long setting. If you do not need the shorter focal lengths of a zoom lens for other purposes, then a fixed 200mm lens, like the Nikkor 200mm f4.0 would be no more expensive used, much better quality image, lighter to hold and use. If you want to go cheaper, a fixed 200mm Tamron or Vivitar [used] could be had for very little and still outperform any zoom you would probably afford for this use.
The only advantage of a zoom in this use is not having to change lenses if you need a more normal perspective.

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March 20, 2004

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